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Açoreira Church

Torre de Moncorvo

NCREP – Consultoria em Reabilitação do Edificado e Património, Lda. carried out Inspection and Structural Diagnosis work involving visual inspection and specific experimental tests, aiming at evaluating the conservation status and structural safety of the resistant elements of the Açoreira church for loads in accordance with regulations, given that some existing structural damage had been detected. This assessment gave important indications regarding the level of intervention required, in particular the need to replace, rehabilitate and/or strengthen its structural elements. Based upon this work, an intervention and strengthening project was developed with the intention of resolving the problems detected.

The recommended intervention was divided into two phases, taking into account the respective urgency of the interventions. Thus, the first phase includes the most essential works – those more urgently required in order to consolidate the stability of the church. The second phase concerns works of a less urgent nature, which, however, may be carried out in tandem with the first phase, if appropriate.

The architectural project that served as the basis for NCREP’s work was created by architect Ana Rodrigues of the City Council of Torre de Moncorvo.